Box Score | Game Recap

1st 2nd 3rd Final Shots on Goal
Armageddon 1 1 1 3 28
Puck'n A 0 0 6 6 20

First Period
Scoring: 1, 11:04 Armageddon, #10 (#9)

         9:00 Armageddon, #8 2:00 Tripping

Second Period
Scoring: 2,  6:40 Armageddon, #10 (#00)

Penalties: none.
Third Period
Scoring: 3, 12:58 Puck'n A, Scott Gehring (unassisted)
         4, 11:20 Puck'n A, Mark Vis (Mitch Wright, Al Lessa)
         5,  8:18 Puck'n A, Scott Gehring (unassisted)
         6,  7:01 Armageddon, #9 (#10)
         7,  5:40 Puck'n A, Scott Gehring (Al Lessa)
         8,  3:26 Puck'n A, Jeff Robison (Mitch Wright)
         9,  3:11 Puck'n A, Scott Gehring (Mitch Wright)

         0:40 Puck'n A, Mitch Wright 2:00 Interference

Game Statistics
Number Name             G  A  Pts PIM
------ ---------------- -  -  --- ---
   4   Bob Cushman      0  0   0   0
   9   Jeff Robison     1  0   1   0
  13   Juan Castillo    0  0   0   0
  14   Mitch Wright     0  3   3   2
  16   Scott Gehring    4  0   4   0
  17   Mark Vis         1  0   1   0
  28   Al Lessa         0  2   2   0
  86   Chuck Gehring    0  0   0   0

  Three stars of the Game
1. Puck'n A, Scott Gehring  (4G)
   A hat trick with one to

2. Puck'n A, Mitch Wright (3A)
   Multiple Assists at DIHA?!?
   Go Figure!.

3. Puck'n A, Al Lessa (2A)
   Welcome back Al !.